Publikationen von Abschlussarbeiten oder Ausarbeitungen in DBLP

Hier ist eine Liste der internationalen Artikel, die von STUPS-Abschlussarbeiten (meistens) direkt oder indirekt abgeleitet wurden und in der DBLP Liste aufgelistet sind.

  1. Gruteser J, Leuschel M (2024) Validation of railML Using ProB. In: Proceedings ICECCS 2024. Springer, pp 245–256
  2. Dunkelau J, Baldus L (2021) Ranking Model Checking Backends for Automated Selection via Classification and Regression Learning. In: 3rd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Formal Verification. pp 83–89
  3. Geleßus D, Leuschel M (2020) ProB and Jupyter for Logic, Set Theory, Theoretical Computer Science and Formal Methods. In: Rigorous State-Based Methods. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 248–254
  4. Werth M, Leuschel M (2020) VisB: A Lightweight Tool to Visualize Formal Models with SVG Graphics. In: Rigorous State-Based Methods. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 260–265
  5. Wingen I, Körner P (2020) Effectiveness of Annotation-Based Static Type Inference. CoRR abs/2008.12545:
  6. Dunkelau J, Krings S, Schmidt J (2019) Automated Backend Selection for ProB Using Deep Learning. In: NASA Formal Methods. Springer, pp 130–147
  7. Vu F, Hansen D, Körner P, Leuschel M (2019) A Multi-Target Code Generator for High-Level B. In: Proceedings iFM. Springer
  8. Efremidis A, Schmidt J, Krings S, Körner P (2018) Measuring Coverage of Prolog Programs Using Mutation Testing. In: Pre-Proceedings WFLP
  9. Körner P, Bendisposto J (2018) Distributed Model Checking Using ProB. In: Proceedings NFM 2018. Springer
  10. Körner P, Meijer J, Leuschel M (2018) State-of-the-Art Model Checking for B and Event-B Using ProB and LTSmin. In: Proceedings iFM 2018. Springer
  11. Krings S, Schmidt J, Brings C, and others (2018) A Translation from Alloy to B. In: Proceedings ABZ 2018. Springer, pp 71–86
  12. Schmidt J, Krings S, Leuschel M (2018) Repair and Generation of Formal Models Using Synthesis. In: Proceedings iFM 2018. Springer
  13. Bendisposto J, Körner P, Leuschel M, and others (2016) Symbolic Reachability Analysis of B through ProB and LTSmin. In: Proceedings iFM 2016. Springer
  14. Clark J, Bendisposto J, Hallerstede S, and others (2016) Generating Event-B Specifications from Algorithm Descriptions. In: Butler MJ, Schewe K-D, Mashkoor A, Biró M (eds) Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z - 5th International Conference, ABZ 2016, Linz, Austria, May 23-27, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, pp 183–197
  15. Schmidt J, Krings S, Leuschel M (2016) Interactive Model Repair by Synthesis. In: Proceedings ABZ 2016. Springer
  16. Hansen D, Leuschel M (2014) Translating B to TLA + for Validation with TLC. In: Proceedings ABZ’14. pp 40–55
  17. Krings S, Leuschel M (2013) Inferring Physical Units in B Models. In: Proceedings SEFM’2013. Springer, pp 137–151
  18. Hansen D, Leuschel M (2012) Translating TLA+ to B for Validation with ProB. In: Proceedings iFM’2012. Springer, pp 24–38
  19. Bendisposto J, Fritz F, Jastram M, and others (2011) Developing Camille, a text editor for Rodin. Software: Practice and Experience 41:189–198.
  20. Bolz CF, Leuschel M, Schneider D (2010) Towards a Jitting VM for Prolog Execution. In: PPDP ’10 - Proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming. ACM
  21. Ladenberger L, Bendisposto J, Leuschel M (2009) Visualising Event-B Models with B-Motion Studio. In: Alpuente Marı́a, Cook B, Joubert C (eds) Proceedings of FMICS 2009. Springer, pp 202–204
  22. Bendisposto J, Endrijautzki I, Leuschel M, Schneider D (2008) A Semantics-Aware Editing Environment for Prolog in Eclipse. In: Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Logic-based methods in Programming Environments, WLPE
  23. Bendisposto J, Leuschel M (2007) BE4: The B Extensible Eclipse Editing Environment. In: Julliand J, Kouchnarenko O (eds) Proceedings of B 2007. Springer, pp 270–273
  24. Bendisposto J, Leuschel M (2007) A Generic Flash-Based Animation Engine for ProB. In: Julliand J, Kouchnarenko O (eds) Proceedings of B 2007. Springer, pp 266–269